Monday, May 18, 2009

Recruits who talk funny

I woke up this morning and was finally able to connect with Yvonne via video chat - gotta love the Internet! Our group split up today - half went to stations for their first shift, the other half (including me) went to our first breakfast meeting. We had about 10 guys from the area show up. I'm still getting used to the food. I've discovered that sausage bread and french fries are served at pretty much all meals.

After the breakfast, our group headed down to Ireland's fire training center. They are training a new recruit class and was just starting to train them on raising ladders. Needless to say they did about as well at the tasks as my class did when we first started. Of course it was fun to watch the instructors yell at them and make them do extra drills only to walk over to the side and start laughing at each other. Looks like many things are the same as in the states...
Here is a photo of our small group - see I do have pictures of myself...

Brian Price got real excited to try on one of the Irish fire helmets - I just thought he wanted to run around as a power ranger...

We made it home in time for a quick dinner - Chinese food (and french fries, I kid you not) the a shower and I've got to get to bed early tonight. I go on shift in the morning - I'll need my energy to be relational for that long of time....
Sorry no funny pictures of Clint today - we weren't together.


  1. Those are awesome helms... Can you take an angled shot? It does look power ranger ish

  2. Brian! Thanks again for this! "Recruits who talk funny"? Am I missing something here? It takes me a long time to get something. God made me more slow. Can you be more simple with me? Was it something to do with the ladders?

    Tell Mark Hi!
